Holiday Greetings:
I wish to take an opportunity to all of my Pet Nanny clients and supporters whom I consider to be my family and friends. Thank you for all the ways you have supported our Pet Nanny business during 2008. With your continued support, we will be looking for ways to expand our resources, geographic coverage and services during 2009.
A very special thank you to Nelly Nevils for her continued faithfulness and reliability as a Pet Nanny helper.
A special thank you to J/R Printing and Mailing, Jim and Rae Tricarico for office supplies, stationary and your continued support in so many ways.
And a very special thank you to Scott Miller, the Miller family and Website Vantage Web Service for your web support and your friendship.
It is my sincerest hope that you all had a Joyous Christmas and Holiday Season. And I wish for you a Very Prosperous New Year.
Very Truly Yours,
Michelle Shirley
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